How To Create A Functional Kitchen Garden

How To Create A Functional Kitchen Garden

The kitchen garden, originally called a potager or alternatively in Scotland akail or kilyard, is usually a separate space from the remainder of the house, equipped with an additional cooking area and maybe even a seating area. Usually situated in the basement, it is made to withstand the rigors of modern day kitchens. In this way A+ Construction & Remodeling offers the best of both worlds, an improved utility whilst sharing the limited space of the kitchen with a much larger structure. Traditionally, the kitchen garden was built around a central stone fire, often a hearth, surrounded by the vegetables and garden produce. There was little else that contributed to the enjoyment of this space. The trend however has changed and now you will find you have a whole host of other options and alternatives.

Many people still select their own vegetables and herbs for their gardens and the majority of gardens are designed with an emphasis on freshness rather than the ability to look stylish. The traditional kitchen garden was built around a central stone fire, often a hearth, surrounded by the vegetables and garden produce. Now you’ll discover there are many other options to consider when designing your kitchen garden. For example you can choose the size of your garden and the materials from which it is built from.

One of the biggest trends in gardens is to include annual herbs and vegetables. These plants have the advantage over annuals in that they grow quickly and you can move them around easily as they don’t need to be replanted each year. However they are much less convenient to maintain than the regularly scheduled annual vegetables and herbs. Weekly digging and tilling of the garden and fertilising and monitoring these activities is not necessary. With the introduction of electronic vegetable growing equipment and gardeners that do all the hard work you can enjoy the pleasures of gardening from the convenience and enjoyment of a raised garden without the regular work.

If you are considering adding some garden features and vegetables to your current kitchen gardens this season then you are likely to want to consider planting something a little more substantial and long lasting. The two main characteristics that contribute to the durability and longevity of a kitchen garden are the soil and the climate. You can add an attractive trellis to your garden that will provide support for your perennial flowering plants and flowers, helping them to grow into larger plants. The trellis can be decorative and functional and also provides shelter from extreme heat or cold. Planting taller seed bearing bushes, such as honeysuckle, can help to soften the soil. You should also think about planting vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots that do not need to be replanted each year, as they will tend to spread on their own.

When considering the material from which you would like to build your garden you should keep in mind the three different kinds of garden building materials. The most traditional garden building material is timber and this can be a very attractive look if you are looking to replicate a traditional British garden look. There are many different types of woods that can be used including cedar, pine and birch. Other kinds of material that can be used include stone and bricks. Although bricks and stones look nice when they are just laid it can be easier and more cost effective to use a material that will form part of the fabric of your kitchen garden and help to define it. Popular choices for material for making the foundation of a kitchen garden include concrete, stone, tile and vinyl.

It can also be useful to choose a few plants that you are interested in planting and have those planted in the area around your kitchen garden. One plant that is an ideal choice for gardens that are designed to mimic a country garden is the California poppy. This species of poppy grows well in areas where temperatures are warm and dry in summer, which are typical in Southern California. There are many other types of plants that will also look good in your kitchen garden and doing your research is the best way to find these out before you start planting anything. Once you know what type of plants you are interested in planting you should check out the climate in your area so that you know whether or not you will be able to keep these plants alive during the cold months.