How to Create a Focal Point With Accent Walls

How to Create a Focal Point With Accent Walls

Whether it’s an impressive fireplace, bold painting or piece of furniture when you enter a room your eyes are drawn to something that stands out. An accent wall is a great way to create a focal point by making one of your walls a different color.

Focal points make a statement about your design aesthetic and guide how people move through a room – unconsciously or consciously. The key to creating a focal point is balance.

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Color is a simple and versatile tool that can create focal points. Bold colors and patterns, large pieces of furniture or decor, and even architectural details like fireplaces all create visual weight and demand attention. One way to create a focal point with paint is by using a different color on an accent wall.

This works best when the wall is painted in a shade that’s darker than the rest of the room, but it can also work with shades that are lighter. Darker shades tend to enlarge a room while lighter shades can create a sense of depth in a room.

The best location for an accent wall is usually a wall that doesn’t have any interruptions like doors, windows, or built-in cabinets. The wall behind a sofa or the wall above a bed are both common examples. You can also use paint to create an accent on a ceiling or trim. This can be especially effective in bedrooms and bathrooms.


One of the easiest ways to emphasize a focal point is through color. For example, painting an accent wall a darker shade than the surrounding walls can make it stand out. However, it’s important that the accent wall complements the existing colors and textures of the room.

Texture can also be used to create a focal point with accent walls, whether it’s through wallpaper, brick, wood paneling, or another material. A texture-rich accent wall can draw the eye and help other decor elements, like art, furniture, and decorative mirrors, to stand out.

Accent walls are a great way to create a focal point without needing to do a major room overhaul. For example, if you have floor-to-ceiling windows in your living room, consider having the window frame painted a contrasting color to make it stand out as a feature. Or, you could paint the wall behind your sofa a bold color and place a piece of artwork or decorative mirror above it to add a focal point to the space.


A patterned accent wall can be a great way to make a room feel more dynamic. It’s easy for DIYers to apply wallpaper to create a unique focal point, and it’s also possible to use paint with a patterned effect. Homeowners can even use tiles or wood to add texture to their rooms.

A dark paint color is another option for an accent wall. Charcoal gray, black, or navy blue can add drama to rooms and help wall art and other decorations pop.

When choosing a color for an accent wall, it’s important to consider the overall layout and function of the room. Ideally, the accent wall will highlight an architectural feature or piece of furniture. For example, the wall behind a sofa in a living room is an ideal location for an accent wall. Then, you can adapt the rest of the room’s decor around that feature. For example, you might choose a fabric to complement or match the color of the sofa.


A large mirror or a collection of framed photographs can function as a focal point when placed on an accent wall. The contrasting color or texture draws the eye to this area of the room and helps create an overall theme for home decor.

Choosing a bold paint color is the most common way to establish an accent wall but there are other options too. Wallpaper and even wood paneling can be used to create a unique look that works as a focal point.

If your home doesn’t have an existing focal point, it’s important to add one using an accent wall. The key is to carefully consider the size of your space, any built-in features and current home decor when selecting the right color or texture for your accent wall. In addition, thoughtfully accessorizing and illuminating the focal point with picture and track lights will further help to draw attention to this part of the room.

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