If you have a yard, there is no excuse for not learning how to garden organically. Organic gardening is both very easy and very rewarding. In simple terms, organic gardening can be defined as growing in harmony with Mother Nature, without the use of synthetic fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides or other such harmful products that destroy the balance of your natural ecosystem. By working hard in the garden you can achieve an abundance of healthy, green fruits and vegetables. If you are interested in learning more about how to garden organically, below are five gardening tips to get you started.
One of the first organic gardening tips to keep in mind is to keep your garden free from harmful insects and pests. These creatures will destroy your entire garden before you even realize it. There are many ways to keep pests away from your plants and crops, including installing an effective pest control program. You can purchase products to apply around your yard and home, including sprays, dusts, and traps. Some products are safe to apply when the soil is moist, while others are safe only when the soil is dry. Using a bait for certain pests is also a good idea, as this will drive them away from your plants and crops.
The next organic gardening tip that is important is water supply. A well-drained soil is vital to a healthy garden. It will not hold too much water, and it will help prevent the growth of mold, bugs, fungi, and other unwanted organisms. When it comes to watering your plants, you should only do so when the soil is dry. Watering too often will cause the roots to become weak, which will result in loss of nutrients. Instead, water the plants about once each week when the soil is moist.
Finally, organic gardening is highly recommended against the use of harmful chemicals. Organic fertilizers and pesticides have been found to pose less risk for health than those made with synthetic chemicals. The health risks of some pesticides, especially when swallowed, have also been linked to cancer. By avoiding the use of harmful chemicals, you protect your family’s health, as well as your valuable crops and vegetables.
The above organic gardening tips are just a few of many helpful tips for plant care. There are many more, including companion planting, mulching, fertilizing, and the proper way to water your plants. In order to ensure success with organic gardening, it is important to learn as much as you can about each step before taking it on yourself.
If you are looking to improve your soil, you should check out the various types of organic gardening products available to help your plants get the nutrients they need. Beneficial insects, plants with plastic leaves or shells, and certain plants will also add nutrients to the soil without introducing synthetic elements into it. For example, certain herbs will add chlorophyll to the soil, but will also attract beneficial insects to feed on them. Beneficial insect foods can be purchased at many natural food stores.